Before I Said Yes
Before I answered the call to reclaim my soul power and step fully into my purpose, my story was in many ways just like the beautiful open-hearted people I came here to serve.
I arrived in this world a bright free spirit. I knew that I was here to spread joy and love in the world. But my belief in myself and the magic I had to offer quickly faded.
I hid my beautiful inner light for years.
Finding Success Under The Worthiness Lie...
This was the natural consequence of growing up with a dark legacy of intergenerational trauma and in a society built on The Worthiness Lie. A lie that tricks us all into believing that to experience love, we must first become worthy of it.
So I became the overachieving, caretaking, good girl version of myself I thought I needed to be to feel safe, loved, and accepted.
And despite all the odds being stacked against me (that’s another long story), I managed to build, by society’s standards anyway, a pretty successful life.
I graduated at the top of my high school class and at Trinity College. I was a recognized student leader and became a finalist for the Rhode Scholarship, which is considered to be the most prestigious international fellowship in the world. I went on to earn my J.D. from Berkeley Law and secured a coveted government legal job.
After that came my fairy-tale wedding and a move to a big farmhouse in a strikingly rich, idyllic countryside setting. I had the good girl winning personality and the interesting desirable lifestyle...check.
But I Still Felt Lost & Alone...
By society’s standards, I had made it in life and yet a big part of me felt deeply unhappy, disconnected from life, and saddled with grief.
I didn't get it. I was doing everything "right." And yet I felt continually afraid and overwhelmed.
This was my body's way of letting me know that there were aspects of my life that were severely out of alignment with the Truth of who I really was and what I came here to do.
At some level, I knew that the picture perfect life I had worked so hard to create was ultimately unsustainable. It was built on shaky illusions and foundations that could come crashing down at any moment.
I knew this wasn’t how my life was supposed to go. I knew that I was meant for so much more.
I Refused To Give Up...
To make matters worse, it felt like no one around me was willing to see or recognize my pain. So, believing I needed to fix myself, I spent years exploring spirituality, mindfulness, and self-help resources.
Some of what I found was helpful, but a lot of it seemed overly general, incomplete, or just plain confusing. Without a clear path to follow or a community I could lean on for support, I felt totally lost at times.
Sometimes I wondered if I’d ever get there. But I never gave up because even though I had no clue how to reconnect to my wildly exuberant self, I continued to feel this unshakeable calling to share my light with the world...
And then one day, I felt intuitively guided to connect with the divine mother energy within me and everything changed. I reexperienced my oneness with the deeply loving, nuturing, supportive presence I had desperately craved and searched for my entire life.
From this new awakening, I suddenly felt reconnected to the infinite beauty, love, and magic all around me. It was as if the sky, the flowers, the sun, and the trees were all smiling at me. I had come home to myself.
I no longer saw myself as a lonely girl on a solo mission. Instead, I had the distinct impression that the universe was rooting for me and showing me the way through each new challenge.
My inner light became so visible that people couldn’t stop telling me I was positively glowing. Curious strangers in coffee shops started coming up to me to ask me questions about my joyful radiance. And I began attracting the exact teachers, books, and experiences I needed to move forward on my path.
With a newfound sense of courage, I started owning my truth again and pursuing the things that delighted my soul. This sparked a creative inner explosion that led me to get in touch with surprising new gifts.
The 3 Soul Shifts
I wish I could tell you that it was all downhill after my reawakening. But the truth is I still had to do the challenging work of disentangling myself from the toxic lies and fear-based patterns that had kept me captive most of my life.
I went through several dark nights of the soul. Thankfully, I didn't have to do this part all by myself. The Universe brought my divine counterpart into my life to fully love and support me in my inner alignment and soul mission work.
As I continued to make magic and settle deeper into my soul, I became more firmly rooted in a space of unconditional love and support. Where I once felt endlessly scared and overwhelmed, I now carried a deep sense of contentment and peace.
Over the last decade, I've been guided to spiritually reflect on all the painful detours and pitfalls I encountered on my path. I distilled everything I learned from those experiences into a simple, yet powerful and practical spiritual teaching called The 3 Soul Shifts.
Through that process, I realized that the reason why I couldn’t find a path that directly spoke to my soul and clearly addressed the root of my pain, is because I was sent here to blaze a new path for myself and other brave open-hearted soul leaders in the making.
My Story Is Still Unfolding...
It's been ten years since that magical reawakening and I still wake up each day with a full and grateful heart. I'm married to my best friend and loving soul partner, and I'm living life in line with my soul.
As I close out this chapter of my journey, I feel that in many ways my story is just beginning! I'm being called to share my light with the world in bigger ways.
If you're here right now, it's because you also feel the urgency to unleash your inner light and magic in the world.
Listen, I know how scary it can be to step into the unknown, but I also know you have the courage to listen to your soul and follow your inner guidance.
Let's Make Magic Together!
If you you feel called to work with me on a one-on-one basis, I invite you to book a spiritual coaching session with me today. I offer three different kinds of spiritual coaching sessions to support you wherever you on your path.
And, if you're also looking for a clear and direct path to unleashing the power of your inner light, along with wise loving support, and a community of brave open-hearted women to inspire and empower you, check out my unique spiritual group coaching program.
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Made With Love
© Vanessa Areli 2020 - 2024 | Photo Credit
Vanessa Areli LLC