My Approach To Spiritual Coaching
1. Open-Heartedness. Connect with you from a deeply open-hearted place so you can experience the magic of feeling truly seen, embraced, and supported.
2. Integrity. Lead by example and model what it means to embody inner joy, radiance, and power.
3. Sacred Mirroring. Mirror back your own magnificence and teach you to see and connect to your own inner beauty.
4. Inspire & Empower. Encourage and celebrate your journey each step of the way while inviting you to step further into freedom.
5. Grounded & Intuitive. Shine a light on any blindspots and potential pitfalls and detours on your path.
6. Authenticity. Teach only what I know. Be honest and transparent about what's outside my awareness.
7. Practical. Share loving wisdom and heart-centered spiritual practices that are relevant and applicable to your everyday life.
What I Teach
(The 3 Soul Shifts)
Stop trying to earn Love.
Start Being Love.
(Real Love is unconditional, it cannot be won, earned, or captured)
Let go of the need to be good.
Stay Focused on Nurturing Your Inner Light.
(Goodness flows naturally when you align with your soul)
Stop avoiding the pain of feeling powerless.
Practice Unconditional Joy.
(You must face your pain to feel truly empowered)
My Soul Values
1. My greatest power comes from meeting life and every soul from a bravely open-hearted place.
2. All of life is sacred. Treat everything and everyone (including myself) accordingly.
3. Treasure the child-like wonder in me that sees beauty and magic everywhere it goes and finds pure joy in the simple everyday things.
4. Embrace whole-heartedly my messy limited human side, for it is as divine and glorious as my unlimited “spiritual” side.
5. Success is being true to my Soul, sharing my precious soul gifts, & fostering full-circle, loving, joyful connections.
6. Love is brave. Use my voice and gifts in service of what my soul calls me to do, even when it feels scary, inconvenient, or challenging.
7. Stay curious and keep learning and unfolding. My life’s work is to allow Source energy to continually express itself through me in new and deeper ways.
Loving Reminders On
Your Soul Journey
1. Only Unconditional Love energy nutures us. Words, knowledge, tools, and methodologies are only helpful to the extent they help us tap into and align with that Love.
2. Trust the process. Every soul path is different. Let go of any expectations or agendas around how and when things should unfold on your journey.
3. Turn pain, fear, and resistance into powerful allies for transformation. Learn to work with them so you can harness them for growth.
4. Stay focused now on what you can create in the present, for that is your true place of power.
5. Celebrate the “small wins.” It’s those tiny insights and changes in perspectives, energy, and behavior over time that lead to big “aha” moments, major breakthroughs, and powerful shifts in your life.
Made With Love
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Made With Love
© Vanessa Areli 2020 - 2024 | Photo Credit
Vanessa Areli LLC