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Stop Trying To Earn Love,
Start Being Love
If you think you couldn’t possibly be trying to earn love, think again. Whenever you act from a place of craving outside attention, approval, or affirmation, you’re trying to earn love.
This impulse is deeply embedded in the collective subconscious and is a natural outgrowth of what I call The Worthiness Lie. This lie tricks us all into believing that if we’re not experiencing love, it's because we’re not worthy of it.
The truth is that Divine Love has nothing to do with worthiness. Unconditional Love is your sacred birthright and is always freely given and available to you.
Love can never be transactional, nor can it be earned, won, or captured. How could you earn, win, or capture something that is already your natural state of being?
That's why trying to earn love will never fill your inner love void. It will only make you feel more unloved.
When you learn how to embody love for yourself and open up to the infinite love in the universe, you’ll feel deeply loved and supported by life itself.
And when you start cleaning up all the areas of your life that have been shaped by The Worthiness Lie, you’ll be well on your way to creating your beautiful, magical, soul-inspired life.
Let Go Of The Need To Be Good,
Stay Focused On Nurturing Your Inner Light
Let Go Of The Need To Be Good,
Stay Focused On Nurturing
Your Inner Light
As an open-hearted soul, you carry an innate love of goodness. But, if you have a need to be good, it’s either because you’re scared that:
1) You’re a bad person,
2) You won’t be perceived as good, or
3) You won’t be able to handle the pain of seeing others struggle.
The problem is that when you act from a place of fear, you lack the wisdom to know what’s actually needed in any given situation.
So, instead of realizing the good you wish to see in the world, you end up (unintentionally) co-creating painful experiences for yourself and others.
When you're able to own your innate goodness and let the magic of your inner light direct your life, goodness flows naturally through you.
And you intuitively make the wisest most loving decisions. You also begin to reconnect to the wild and playful spirit within you and open up to your beautiful soul gifts.
As you become undeniably radiant, you no longer have to try so hard to do good in the world. Your very presence will attract, inspire, and uplift those you're meant to touch.
Stop Avoiding The Pain Of Feeling Powerless,
Practice Unconditional Joy & Stay Bravely Open-Hearted
Stop Avoiding The Pain
Of Feeling Powerless,
Practice Unconditional Joy &
Stay Bravely Open-Hearted
Be honest. Do you fall apart whenever you encounter pain, darkness, or suffering in the world?
Do you try to avoid feeling powerless by clinging to unloving relationships, hiding your true self, or pursuing perfectionism?
There are a myriad of ways to avoid the pain of feeling powerless. Each one of them keeps you trapped in fear and drains your power away.
The fear-based parts of ourselves believe that power is about avoiding pain, not realizing that by avoiding pain, we're also avoiding what life has to teach us through that pain.
Real power is soul power. That kind of power allows us to stay aligned with our soul and the loving will of the universe no matter what we face in life.
When your soul power is strong, you’re able to co-create your life experiences from a place of love, joy, beauty, and magic.
That’s why it’s essential to cultivate your soul power each day by practicing unconditional joy and staying bravely open-hearted.
Joy is one of the most powerful energetic states you can embody. Practicing joy is not about feeling happy all the time. It’s about opening to the miracle of being and appreciating the beauty and magic in everyday life.
Hello Beautiful Soul!
I'm Vanessa Areli, a heart-centered spiritual coach and teacher who teaches a practical, clear, and direct path to unleashing the power of your inner light.
My spiritual teachings are called The 3 Soul Shifts and are grounded in the Universal Truth that we are all Sacred Divine Beings of Love who are One with and deeply interconnected with All That Is.
I developed these spiritual teachings over the last decade while communing with Source and intentionally reflecting on the pitfalls and detours I encountered during my journey to free my inner light.
It's time for all open-hearted souls to rise up and reclaim their soul power. That's why I'm so excited to make these teachings widely available through my upcoming book, The 3 Soul Shifts: Become The Brave Soul-Inspired Leader You Came Here To Be.
If you'd like me to personally support you on your soul path, you can book a spiritual coaching session here. I also offer a unique group coaching program and community for brave open-hearted women.
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Made With Love
© Vanessa Areli 2020 - 2024 | Photo Credit
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